Family: Malvaceae
Synonyms: Alcea biennis Winterl, Alcea ficifolia Nyman, Althaea caribaea Sims, Althaea chinensis Wall., Althaea coromandeliana Cav., Althaea flexuosa Sims, Althaea meonantha Link, Althaea mexicana Kunze, Althaea rosea (L.) Cav., Althaea rosea var. sinensis (Cav.) S.Y. Hu, Althaea sinensis Cav., Althaea sinensis Blanco
Common name: Hollyhock
Urdu: गुलखैरा Gulkhaira
Arabic: ختمية
English: hollyhock
Chinese: shu kui
French: rose trémière
German: chinesische Stockrose, gewöhnliche Stockrose, Stockmalve, Stockrose
Japanese Rōmaji: tachi-aoi
Russian: shtok rosa
Spanish: alcea, malvaloca, malvarrosa,vara de San José
Swedish: stockros
Activities : Analgesic, Antipyretic, Astringent, Circulostimulant, Demulcent, Diuretic, Emollient, Fungistat, Gastroprotective, Hypoglycemic, Stomachic, Vasoprotective.
Indications: Abscess, Bite, Bleeding, Boil, Bruise, Burn, Cancer, Childbirth, Cold, Colosis, Constipation, Cough, Cramp, Cystosis, Dermatosis, Diabetes, Dysentery, Dysmenorrhea, Enterosis, Fever, Gastrosis, Goiter, Gravel, Hematuria, Hemorrhoid, Inflammation, Itch, Jaundice, Malaria, Miscarriage, Pain, Pharyngosis, Pulmonosis, Respirosis, Rheumatism, Snakebite, Sore, Sore Throat, Stomatosis, Sweating, Tenesmus, Thirst, Urethrosis, Water Retention. [Hand Book of Medicinal Herbs]
Althaea rosea (L.) is used as mucilage for prophylaxis and therapy of diseases and discomforts of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract and for urinary complaints. [Indian Medicinal Plamts - Ayurveda]
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